Age & Opportunity Active

Age & Opportunity Active is an Age and Opportunity initiative; and is the national programme for sport and physical activity for older adults in Ireland, funded by Sport Ireland. It runs in conjunction with the Local Sports Partnerships (LSP) and the Health Services Executive (HSE). There are various strands to the Age & Opportunity Active programme: -

FitLine is a telephone based service that encourages older adults to get more active. Older adults can contact FitLine on 1800 303545 and speak with trained volunteers (older people) who will motivate and encourage them to become more active.

Get active presentations / programmes aim to deliver a very important message to older people, that being to increase the amount of physical activity in their lives. The sessions provide older adults with information as to the benefits of increased physical activity, guidelines on getting involved in physical activity, and simple programmes to kick start their participation in physical activity.

Go for Life Games aim to involve older people in recreational sport. The games are run with the support of your LSP and the HSE; and involve the annual National Games, local leagues and friendly games. Three games form the basis of the event: -

  1. Flisk - an adaptation of Frisbee and Horseshoe Pitching
  2. Scidils - an adaptation of Ten Pin Bowling and Skittles
  3. Cornhole

Physical Activity Leadership (PAL) programme PALs are Physical Activity Leaders who are already part of a group or club; and are willing to lead activities. PALs lead their local group in things like short exercise routines, fun games, simple dances and sports like pitch and toss. Groups may be Active Retirement Groups, sports clubs, an ICA group or social groups that meet regularly.

To become a PAL, you must attend a series of eight workshops organised by your LSP and the HSE over a number of weeks.

To date over 1,000 people have attended the PALs’ workshops nationwide. Age & Opportunity Active, as well as increasing the numbers of older adults taking part in sport also increases the number of older adults actually leading sport. For more information visit the website

For more information on Age & Opportunity Active programmes in Offaly, contact the office on 057 93 57463 or by email.
